Thursday, 29 November 2012

Police, Law & Justice Conference London

Attended a conference organised by Government Knowlege based in Westminster in Arlington Centre, Camden.

The event was well attended by Politician, all the hierachy of the police forces around the country, it was attended by Conservative, labour and lib dem party delegates. The focus was on the current police needs and how all this fits in the current laws, whta needs to be changed and improved for policing and law in the future. Well worth it, most definately will attend next year.

Policing, Law and Justice Conference 29th November 2012

Conference focussing on the significant changes being made in the policing and justice arenas.
With the Police and Social Responsibility Bill, discussing Police and Crime Commissioners. The conference discussed the new policing and justice landscape following on from the election of the Commissioners and what the future holds for local law enforcement agencies and focused on the ever changing environment that the police, law & justice system operates, with budgets being tightened, this conference has provided some key examples of cost savings measures both on the frontline and in back office functions, without adversely affecting crime levels.
Key topics of this conference included:
•Police and Crime Commissioners – An Early Assessment
•The transition to the new National Crime Agency
•Accountability in policing
•Joining up police and probation through technology
•The future of Legal Aid
•Increasing the use of technology in policing and probation services
•The future of youth justice


08.40 Coffee and Registration
09.20 Chair’s Opening Remarks
Baroness Sally Hamwee, Lib Dem Spokesperson on Home Affairs in the House of Lords
09.30 Opening Keynote Address: Moving Forward on Achievements in Youth Justice
•Building on reductions in the last 5 years on young people entering the justice system
•Current challenges – sustaining a focus on prevention
•Tackling gang culture amongst young people
•How payment by results can deliver successful resettlement and reduced numbers in youth custody
•New opportunities; Police and Crime Commissioners and the LASPO Act
Frances Done, Chair, Youth Justice Board

09.50 Determining the Value of Predictive Analysis in Policing
•In this session Jaap Vink will discuss how (predictive) analytics projects can be linked to policing outcomes and key policing performance criteria. It will focus around the application of predictive analytics in force deployment decisioning and investigations
Japp Vink, Worldwide Predictive Analysis Leader Public Sector, IBM
10.10 Using Mobile Technology for Effective Policing
Temp Chief Constable Nick Gargan, Chief Executive, National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA)
10.30 Session from Airpoint and i2N
•Provide an overview of how NPIA / Home Office have developed guidelines for capturing a witness statement electronically.
•Provide an example of how the technology is being used to speed the creation of the witness statement.
•Overview the benefits of capturing evidence at source in an electronic format.
•Once captured in an electronic format look at how Criminal Justice organisations can share case files and collaborate on the case preparation.
Andy Whyte, Managing Director, Airpoint
Ian Glen, Director, i2N

11.20 Making Progress on Organised Crime – The Transition to the National Crime Agency
•Outlining the transition to the National Crime Agency in 2013
•The benefits of housing several operational commands under one organisation
•Working with police forces and other crime fighting agencies to tackle organised crime
•Addressing 21st Century threats - Making strides on tackling cyber crime
•The importance of an international reach of the National Crime Agency to fight crime beyond UK borders
Trevor Pearce, Director - General, Serious Organised Crime Agency
11.40 Special Keynote Address: Howard League for Penal Reform
Frances Crook, Director, Howard League for Penal Reform
12.00 Workshop Session - Predictive analytics in investigations and force deployment decisioning
•This workshop will centre around 2 business scenarios for application of predictive analytics in policing: investigations & force deployment . The scenarios will be illustrated with practical examples and recommendations
Japp Vink, Worldwide Predictive Analysis Leader Public Sector, IBM
14.00 The role of PCCs in Reforming Policing in Communities
Nathan Oley, Head of Press and Public Affairs, The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Transitional Board
14.20 Special Keynote Address
Andy Hayman CBE, QPM,Former Assistant Commissioner for Counter Terrorism, Metropolitan Police
14.40 Creating Effective Probation Services
Sue Hall, Chief Executive, West Yorkshire Probation Trust & Chair, Probation Chiefs Association
15.20 Accountability in 21st Century Policing
Deborah Glass OBE, Deputy Chair, Independent Police Complaints Commission
15.40 Remaining Tough on Crime
•Ensuring the police cuts do not adversely affect crime levels across the country
•Putting reducing reoffending at the heart of policing and justice policy
•Rehabilitation of offenders – ensuring prisoners leave with basic literacy and numeracy skills needed for successful resettlement into society
•Putting more focus on the victims of crime and their communities
David Hanson MP, Shadow Minister for Policing
16.00 Closing Remarks and Final Questions
16.10 Close of Conference

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

NBP Annual Conference 2012 + dinner

Attended the annual conference and Dinner at Blue Mango restaurant after the AOC conference in ICC Birmingham on Nov 20, 2012

Discussion, awards were honours, I was even asked to speak about endorcing the BLI programs, which I did. Also wonderful Robin Landman is retiring as the Chairman, well done Robin for making NBP a force to be listen to.
As usual it was well attended by the members of Network of Black Professional. The food and drinks were simply of high quality and very tasty indeed.


Attended AOC Annual Conference 2012-Birmingham

Attending Association of colleges conference 2012 in birmingham - Tue- 20 Novemeber 2012

International Conference Centre in Birmingham, wonderful place to go to any conference there.

What a conference, fully packed with activities, stayed at Crowne Plaza, not far from the Hall.
Plenty of CEO, principla, Governors, politician, policy makers, civil servants, government ministers.

Sharing and talking about the policy affecting all the FE and Further education establishments.
Met so many friends and received plenty of invitaions to attend various colleges up and down the country. I still have not managed to contact everyone so far.
I was delighted to meet my new friend Dhiren Katwa there, below you will also meet Faruk Miah, what a talented individual.


Sunday, 18 November 2012

BPF Manchester Road Show November 2012

This was a wonderful event organised by British Pakistan Foundation in Manchester.

The hosting by Suniya Qureshi was sweet, professional and riveting, The Asian cuisine was simply sumptuous and the company of so many honourable guests, dignatories, and humantarians made me feel special too.
My 5 Hrs trip to Manchester and 3.5 hrs trip back was simply worth it.
This gave me the opportunity for a wonderful stimulated conversation, share my Conservative political belief, thoughts in regards to me being a local councillor, Chairman of the Conservative Party locally and my involevement with Lord Sheikh at House of Lords. To me it was very successful event, only wished there was more time as I have created some interest within the delegates on the importance of the political imvolvement. Most importantly made many friends :). 
Asif Rangoonwala, what a giant personality, chairman of British Pakistan Foundation and Rangoonwala foundation, successful enterpreneur, a philanthropist, confident as most Asif's are :). Its  simply my pleasure meeting him and be invited to Manchester and be informed of the good work British Pakistan Foundation (BPF) does for the development of the country, the links and the leadership that is provided is simply exemplary. There is a involevement of many successful, hourable personalities on the executive, testimony of authenticity and endorcement.
I feel priviledge to be invited . Asif does not need any encouragment from anyone as I have found him to be full of energy, confidence and so much good will, is simpy impressive.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Inspirational QUOTES accumulated from web, we must not forget

"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering the prisons"
~Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The House of the Dead.

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." Mahatma Ghandi

 "you measure the degree of civilisation of a society by how it treats its weakest members." Winston Churchill

"society will be judged by how it treats its weakest members." Truman

"Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members -- the last, the least, the littlest."  ~Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life

It is said that the worth of society can be measured by the manner in which it treats its weakest member.
"The greatness of any city can be judged by the way it treats its weakest member."
You can judge the character and quality of life in a community by how it treats its weakest members
It is said that a civilization is measured by how it treats its weakest members - including, of course, it children. The greatness of America is in how it treats its weakest members: the elderly, the infirm, the handicapped, the underprivileged, the unborn. ~Bill Federer

"A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members and among the most vulnerable are surely the unborn and the dying," ~Pope John Paul II

If one considers the observation that the worth and dignity of a civilization is judged by the way it the treats its weakest members, we cannot help but look back in shame at our past.
~Social Justice Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow, A Critical Reflection, By Rudolf Rickes

The true greatness of a nation is not measured by the vastness of its territory, or by the multitude of its people, or by the profusion of its exports and imports; but by the extent to which it has contributed to the life and thought and progress of the world. A man's greatness is not estimated by the size of his body or of his purse; not by his family connections or social position, however high these may be. He may bulk large in public estimation today, but tomorrow he will be forgotten like a dream, and his very servants may secure a higher position and a name lasting possibly a little longer.
A man's greatness is estimated by his influence, not over the votes and empty cheers of a changing and passing crowd, but by his abiding, inspiring influence in their bidden thoughts, upon their ways of thinking, and consequently of acting. That is why the Wycliffes, Shakespeares, Miltons, Newtons, Wesleys, and Gladstones of English history live, and will live, in everlasting memory, while lesser men are remembered only through them, and the crowd of demagogues, pretenders, and self-seekers are named, if ever named, only to "point a moral, or adorn a tale."
So with nations a great nation is not one which, like Russia, has an enormous territory ; or, like China, has an enormous population. It is the nation which gives mankind new modes of thought, new ideals of life, new hopes, new aspirations; which lifts the world out of the rut, and sets it going on a cleaner and brighter road.
~ A Lecture by Mr. L. E. Blazé at the D. B. U. Hall, 26 November, 1926.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Police & Crime Commissioner candidate takes campaign to Staines

Julie Iles, the Surrey candidate for the office of Police & Crime Commissioner for the Conservative Party, was joined by Kwasi Kwarteng M.P. and Councillor Asif Ayub when she took her campaign to Staines-upon-Thames in the borough of Spelthorne on the morning of Friday 26 October, and listened to concerns of local residents and shoppers in Elmsleigh Shopping Centre, Staines Market, Two-Rivers shopping centre and Staines Community Centre.

The exercise provided members of the public with the opportunity to meet Mrs Iles, Mr Kwarteng and a number of local councillors and present their questions and concerns, particularly about policing and crime in Spelthorne borough. Julie Iles commented: ‘I have found that there is very strong interest in the issues of policing and crime in Surrey, and people very much welcome the opportunity to discuss their concerns in a way which would not be practical for a panel of seventeen members – such as the current police authority – to do’.

 She continued: ‘getting into the high streets of Surrey has been an important opportunity to engage large numbers of people who live, work and enjoy what our county has to offer. This campaign has been about more than leaflets, hustings, canvassing and the traditional components in the run-up to an election – and that is because this campaign is about something far more important than differences between political parties. As I talk with more and more people across Surrey, I am struck by how much enthusiasm there is for a Police & Crime Commissioner willing and able to be available to engage with people’s concerns, as well as a robust figure to work with the Chief Constable in tackling the enormous challenges that we will have to confront here in the next few years’.

 Local M.P., Kwasi Kwarteng said: ‘Julie is a dynamic and enthusiastic person to whom people can relate very easily – and she will make a first-rate Police & Crime Commissioner’.

 Councillor Asif Ayub added: ‘it was very apparent throughout the visit that residents in Spelthorne have taken Julie Iles to their hearts. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, there were some challenging questions, and the way that Julie was able to respond to people’s concerns resonated strongly and brought different views together. People in Spelthorne will expect their Police & Crime Commissioner to meet a very high standard, and it is clear that Julie exceeds these expectations. I very much look forward to welcoming her back to Staines as our elected Police & Crime Commissioner’.

 He concluded: ‘I heard one resident say that Julie was the only candidate who appeared to have made the effort to take her campaign to them, whilst another admitted that they had not showed very much interest in the role of a Police & Crime Commissioner until meeting Julie in Staines. This experience demonstrates that the job of being Police & Crime Commissioner will involve some considerable effort to get around Surrey and listen to residents, such as those that I represent: this job will not be done adequately by sitting behind a desk at police headquarters’.

Notes to Editors

  1. The Police & Crime Commissioner information table in Staines was supported by Councillors Ayub, Napper, Forsyth, Budd, Watts, as well as Kwasi Kwarteng M.P., and Julie Iles. The Action Day in Staines was also supported by Councillor Chris Frazer and County Councillor Denise Turner.

  1. Photographs of the session can be accessed at:

  More information on Julie Iles’ campaign can be accessed at:
Julie Iles:                               07591 005993
Robert Pettigrew:                07771-547462
Councillor Asif Ayub: 07854 350 361

Happy Diwali 12.11.2012

Wishing all my friends, family of Hindu and Sikh faiths, I wish peace, happiness and prosperity for the coming year.


Memorial Day Service Ashford 11.11.2012

Attended Remembrance Day service on church road, Ashford, to show support and solidarity for our fallen heroes of all faiths: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism.


Stanwell Action Day- 10.11.2012

Supported Julie Ilse campaign for Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. This event ws supported by County Cllr and various Borough Cllrs. and a government Minister.


Visited Oxford Conservative Association

Lord Sheikh Chairman of CMF, Mohammed Amin and Vice Chairman, and I went their their invitation to drum up some support within the muslim community for the Conservative Party. Offered support and guidance to the officers.


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Barbara Ireson (RIP)

Visted Barbara Ireson funeral today at 10am at Jewish Liberal Synagogue in Wilesden, my first ever visit to a Jewsih funeral, funny enough I did not feel like  stranger, and quite comfortable with the whole ceremony.
We all prayed in the Synagogue, prayers rituals read and body burried. We were told by the Rabbi that if you put the soil over the coffin, it is considered a great honor in Jewish religion, I was the 3rd person to grab the spade and did my duty, there were tears and sadness around, but people shared and talked about good memories of Barbara.
Barbara was a community leader, a councillor and a community worker. Her partner Milton was very sad and in tears. I wished him condolences and my support and wished to vist him later in Sunbury. Milton wants to talk to me.

While people were consoling Milton I took the opportunity to collect all the religious books and stacked them on the shelve. Aparently someone joked that I may a get a job here.

Nevertheless I felt the good sermon by the Rabbi, of love, peace, patience and support for Milton and all of us. Thank you.